Our Company, Energie Power limited, Could supply all China Cummins Chongqing Cummins Engine Company(CCEC) manufactured Engine Models NTA855, M11, KTA19, KTA38, KTA50 Parts Catalog, Overhaul and Maintenance Manuals, Operation and repair manual. If your repair engineer team need those guide catalog, please contact our sale team.
Chongqing Cummins Engine Company(CCEC) and Dongfeng Cummins Engine Company(DCEC) Parts catalog provides customer with the reference about the CCEC and DCEC Cummins Engine’s Structures. It’s easy for the customer to find what kinds of Engine’s Parts Should be ordered and replaced by Using this catalog, and it’s the guideline for our customers to order the parts he/she wants.
With improvement of engine producing, the parts number in the catalog may be different from that in present production. The Parts catalog doesn’t apply to the foundation fo the spare parts.
The Following information should be supplied when you order the parts: 1, Engine Model and Shop order no(S.O.) on the nameplate of your engine or the certificate, and also the series no.of engine. 2, The Exact Part no. in the catalog(it’s better to put down the page number in the catalog)
We can find out the present Parts numbers upon your correct information, then we will quote you the correct Parts number and supply the spare parts as you required.